This is one of my favorite pics by you. The colors are so pretty and I love the background.
This is one of my favorite pics by you. The colors are so pretty and I love the background.
thank you syd!!!!!!!
Beautiful stuff dude.
This is so unique! I love it.
take me down to the newgrounds city
Never too early to start planning for the next Halloween. I'm so sad we didn't do anything this year! I'm always saying I'm going to but by the time I come up with an idea its already too late!
RIGHT same here, we were so stoked for this year then every year like clockwork something always happens and all my time and energy is sucked!
thank you for drawing my ugly fat fucker i hope we can do some collaborations involving these guys
I love how brave you are to do traditional work and shit like whaaat idk if i would ever color fire traditionally i'd be sooo scared AMAZING JOB PLS POST MORE
do not ever be afraid. just start with the lightest color (yellow in this case) and then slowly layer on other shades from orange to red. it was one of the most fun things to color
that pumpkin bitch is so hot i wanna draw her tbh
bruhhh DO EET. i'm gonna use it for a bunch of the prompts, pumpkin boobs and guts are so versatile!
I know I already replied to this on twitter but I had to add, I looove how androgynous you made Skwisgaar.
When the thunderhorse episode came out, everyone on live journal noticed that the lady in the music video was suspiciously similar looking to skiwsgaar... blone, tall, blue eyes....... I'd like a remake of the thunderhorse mv with skwisgaar as the naked lady :)
Well, here we are. Burning.
Age 31, femoid
college dropout
Houston, TX
Joined on 2/2/08